Sunday, November 6, 2011

If ONE.MORE.PERSON tells me that I should start a blog.....

.....I'll start one.  Geesh!
How did I get here, you ask?  I'm constantly telling stories about my family/evenings/reality tv/smack talk pseudo-fights during college football season.  At the end of my (usually "colorful" and animated) musings, someone always says either "you should start a blog" or "can you record you and your husband having wit-wars and post it on YouTube?"   Well, ask and ye shall receive, or however that goes.

Here we go.

Where did the name come from you ask?  Ha!  You must not know me personally.  I am the busy mom of 3 young boys.  Did I mention I work full time out of the home?  How about the 2 dogs?  No?  

I love to unwind with a glass of wine at night.  Once I've imbibed, I'm chill and nothing bothers me (except trying to figure out 4th grade math, but that's a story for another day).

So, welcome!  Sit back and enjoy my musings.  Please know that I am heavy on sarcasm, soft on sentimental stuff and most is stated tongue in cheek.